Sunday, January 9, 2011


I wanted to add a few landscape shots from Cuba that stood out for me. I love landscape photography and consider it an on-going learning process for me. I am hoping to spend some time this year working on this skill. Thoughts, ideas and feedback will be welcome!

 'We Bend'

'The shade protects us'

When I was taking this image I wanted a nice, evenly exposed image. I have a couple that were closer to that but I didn't like them quite as much. I liked the silhouetted lounge chairs and bright sky in this one though. 

 'The bird takes flight'

When I was thinking about this picture I was hoping to capture a larger wave crashing over the rocks. I wanted to the spray. Instead I got a Turkey Vulture taking flight to avoid the coming waves.

  'Path on a farm'

The resort we stayed at offered two walks around the area. We were pretty secluded and surrounded primarily by farm land and the locals who lived on those farms. These walks were a bit strange. I couldn't decide if they were exploitive to the locals or the tourists. 


The walks were the same time each day so the locals were ready at the roadside with their handmade hats, wallets, fruit, etc. Even stranger though was the first farm we visited. The lighting was bad so I could get a picture but, they had a smaller alligator for the viewing pleasure of tourists as well as some large tree rat in a cage. 

'Hung on the line'

They were enjoyable walks though. I got some great pictures and that is always what I hope for. 

I was speaking to a friend and fellow photographer last week and we joked about how, regardless of what we are doing (driving, at our real jobs, etc), we are always looking around us with the eye of a photographer. It was what I was looking forward to most about going to Cuba. Warmer weather and the ocean were a strong sell too.

This will end the Cuba posts. I will shift to the work I was doing before the holidays and the new projects that are to come. 


  1. The colours and architecture in Cuba are a photographer's dream. You've made it look like the island was deserted - great job! My fave is still the building with the bus, but I like the architecture in this one and the pink building. Lori C.

  2. Thanks Lori! Cuba really is a photographers dream. It was hard to find shots with no people so I am pleased with the ones I did find. If I was to go back I would want to be in Havana the entire time. I didn't have enough of it.
